

Media | CD
Released | MAY '08


(ver fim do post)

total quality woman

Verlass die Stadt

Sie haben die Straßen
Auf Sprengstoff gebaut
Die Kanäle geflutet, den Abfluss gestaut
Die Luft längst vermengt
Mit astreinem Asbest
Und Beton dort gestreut
Wo das Gras nicht mehr wächst
Manche Gegenden der Stadt
Wurden gänzlich abgetrennt
Da kommt kein Auto mehr hin
Da fährt die Tram nicht mehr hin
Da in recht regelmässigen Intervallen
Menschen auf den Asphalt knallen

Bevor die Glut in dir erlischt
Verlass die Stadt
Die keine ist
Ein neuer Wundbrand in Athen
S'ist an der Zeit endlich zu gehn

Was uns abdrängt von dem Weg
Der da noch vor uns liegt
Ist das abgestandne Gas
Das noch immer durch uns fließt
Es ist Sommer in Wien
Und nicht Stalingrad, sagt er
Ich weiss, sag ich,
Und trotzdem ist mir kalt

Nur eine Frage der Zeit
Bis der nächste Stadtteil brennt
Seine-Saint-Denis scheint abgespannt
Doch eingedämmt
Mach die Augen zu und wünsch mich
Ins Zentrum der Leidenschaft zurück
Und plötzlich liegt was auf der Hand
Das sie zum Zittern bringt
Die Seele brennt
Genau wie all der Orte Straßen
Es ist Zeit diese Stadt zu verlassen

Bevor die Glut in dir erlischt
Verlass die Stadt
Die keine ist
Ein neuer Wundbrand in Athen
Ist an der Zeit endlich zu gehn
Nimm meine Hand
Und führ mich weg
Aus meiner Stadt
An jenen Ort
Der mich vermisst
Dort führ mich hin
Nimm meine Hand
Und bleib nicht stehn

Besides her artistic work Eva Jantschitsch was co-founding the musical formations Metrosau,
Motorsau and Songs of Suspects. Since the end of 2002 she focusses on her solo-projekt Gustav.

Like all previous Mosz releases "Rettet die Wale" [mosz005] is an artist's
first album. Behind the name 'Gustav' hides a female musician with mainly a Fine Arts background.
Though the "Rettet die Wale" is quite the opposite of Metalycée's
"Another White Album" [mosz004] it can also be considered a pop album in a wider sense.
Each piece on this CD is electronically based, but structured like a classic
popsong. They are put into perspective by the fragile voice of Gustav herself.
The title of the CD might seem kitschy and concerned but in fact Gustav wittily uses both, political facts and poetic elements.
In a way all the tracks contain more or less serious lyrics - basically German and English - but they are composed with a good sense of humour.

The long awaited second album of the Viennese extraordinary artist Gustav aka Eva Jantschitsch is finished!

For many people Gustav's critically acclaimed debut "Rettet die Wale ( save the whales ) was nothing more than rescuing the whole protest song genre. Besides the media artist and laptop-songwriter Gustav all of a sudden has become a new icon of the feminist music-scene and - concerning the movement of alter-globalization - the conscience of her generation. In 2005 Gustav wins the prize of the Austrian Music Industry called Amadeus Award. At the peak of her success she consequently avoids further public appearances as a solo artist and concentrates on remittance work and a bunch of other quite different side projects, recently the queer burlesque theatre piece Orlanding The Dominant.

The cross-gender alias Gustav represents a political thinking and basically media critical artist. The music sounds extremely ambivalent: catchy pop songs enter geeky la la laptop land and get infiltrated with some subversive aesthetic & political strategies: reinterpretation, exaggeration, ambiguity. All double layered by Gustavs unique voice.

Gustav thinks that her new album Verlass die Stadt has gotten darker - politically and emotionally - than her debut. But thats exactly what you dont recognize in the first time. What makes the earnest of her music so comfortable is an easiness which comes together with a great sense of humour. Gustavs imagination combined with her pue nonchalance is simply amazing and leaves anybody in astonishment. Her songs are like musical roller coaster rides through all kind of possible and impossible genres: experimental laptop sound, but also traditional Austrian brass music, Schlager as well as Sicilian mandolins. Gustav plays with all the cliché and extravagance of each different style - and leads the listener often to the garden path/leaves the listener in confusion. Theres an enormous gap between the cozy appeal of her music and the topics of the songs. Cause: the situation is definitely serious and theres really NO reason to tell anybody: all clear. Cause it isnt. Not at all.

Behind Gustav, Eva Jantschitsch lives and works in Vienna as an artist. She composes music for theater, movies and iPods. Gustav produces songs on the laptop, plays all kinds of instruments and "sings with the sort of inimitable power you cannot muster up any resistance to". With an origin in Vienna, Gustav's tunes are in various languages, sometimes English, sometimes French, sometimes German - " but the appeal ist completely universelle".

SOURCE: soulseduction


victoria's secret


Media | CD
Label | !K7 / GB
Released | APR '08


After three sought-after singles for the Whatever We Want label-plus remixes for the likes of Gorillaz, François K, Cosmo Vitelli and, um, The Osmonds -
Quiet Village step out of the shadows to present their first full-length album, Silent Movie. Comprised of master crate-digger Joel Martin and rising dance-music star Matt Edwards (aka Radio Slave), and borrowing their name from Martin Denny's exotica masterpiece, Quiet Village make the old sound new (and vice versa). Influenced by Italian film soundtracks, BBC library music, disco edits, acid rock, vintage soul and easy listening, they smear the unlikeliest elements - bluesy guitar, chamber strings, air-raid sirens, shuffling breakbeats, even flutes and seagull cries - into an hour-long reverie with Vaseline on its lens.

source: soulseduction